SPARSHA Nepal is a registered NGO and Community-Based Organization working since 2002 to promote health, human rights, and welfare, particularly for at-risk populations, including People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and key populations (KPs) like Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSWs), and Transgender individuals. Our mission is to deliver high-quality healthcare services for infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis, STIs, and TB, as well as non-communicable diseases like mental health issues. Through ongoing research and advocacy efforts, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life for all individuals, guided by a rights-based approach
SPARSHA offers comprehensive care, including HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and support, as well as services for tuberculosis and Hepatitis B and C. We pioneered the Community-Based Antiretroviral Treatment (CB-ART) clinic in 2005, which serves as a model for care.
SPARSHA Nepal began as a support group for People Living with HIV in 2002 and was later registered in 2004 as an NGO. Since then, it has expanded its scope and expertise in infection prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care, and support programs.
SPARSHA Nepal operates in 13 districts of Nepal.
SPARSHA Nepal envisions a responsible society that promotes community-based responses for a healthy and dignified life of human life
The goal of SPARSHA Nepal is to reduce infections and provide comprehensive treatment services for infections such as HIV, TB, Hepatitis, and STI, improve the health status of communities, reduce stigma and discrimination, and promote human rights in society.
The objectives of SPARSHA Nepal include being non-profit for social and public interest, reducing the risk behaviors of people in acquiring and transmitting communicable infections, increasing accessibility to health services, reducing fear associated with HIV and other infections by increasing awareness, increasing skills and employment opportunities, and enhancing leadership and advocacy skills.
SPARSHA Nepal works towards reducing stigma and discrimination through community awareness programs, advocacy efforts, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and acceptance.
SPARSHA Nepal offers income generation programs, vocational trainings, and capacity building initiatives to improve livelihood status within communities.
Individuals and communities can get involved with SPARSHA Nepal through volunteering, participating in awareness campaigns, supporting advocacy efforts, and contributing to fundraising initiatives.